Saturday, April 25, 2009

I love mornings

I love the early morning hours. The relaxed feel of just admiring mother earth's beauty. I crave listening to the birds, singing love calls to their mates. The bluebirds flying down from the tree in my front yard, to snatch up a feast for the young they've bore in the bird house out back. The bright yellow of the goldfinches on the feeder near the mailbox.
I stand near the newly planted garden near the front of our house, admiring how we've nurtured lettuces, radishes, herbs, and yes, even flowers, to bring their beauty for all to see. The chives in the pot, with dew on the tips of each small plant, taking in the sun and moisture to produce. The jasmine we planted near the side porch, bearing flower buds, teasing us in wait for it's sweet smells for summer.
The peace in the morning, when most are still asleep, while mother nature spoils us with her beauty. I love mornings.